Our Valued Partners

RYK is proud to be the

1st & Only Kundalini Yoga
Studio in Vegas

Largest Meditation
Center in Vegas

RYK Yoga and Meditation Center has developed practices that go beyond the typical foundation of a yoga studio. Our philosophy parallels our mission:

To improve the lives of our students AND positively impact the lives of those within our communities in the most caring ways.

RYK incorporates the ancient art of peaceful meditation with constructing neighborhood outreach programs that elevate the community.

Our commitment is brought to life in various ways including:

Why partner with RYK

We currently partner with several Local and National companies that help support the growth of our community.

This is a Win-Win situation: We promote your services and products within the community while your support ensures its growth.

When you partner with RYK, you get

Contact Us


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Past Partnerships

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