divine mother full moon meditation

New Moon Meditation

The New Moon is the first day of the moon cycle. This is a good day to do an active Kundalini Yoga and Meditation set which focuses on positivity and prosperity. From the New Moon until the Full Moon, the moon is said to be waxing. The energy will be multiplied by the New Moon – an extremely powerful time for new beginnings: planting new seeds and putting new cycles into motion. It is a perfect day to start a new project, a new meditation, a new relationship, a new business. This day is all about turning our intentions into reality, charge your plans with power, and initiate projects and go for it!

Yogi Bhajan said:

“Your biofeedback moves from New Moon to Full Moon, and Full Moon to New Moon.  If you fast at these times you can bring your mind and health into balance. In Ayurveda, this is considered to be the mastery of all treatments”.

At RYK, we celebrate the New Moon each month with a specific Kundalini Yoga and Meditation workshop lead by Cosmin Mahadev Singh.

This March the New Moon Meditation will focus on the Divine Mother.

Through mantras, meditations and fasting one is said to get blessed by the Divine Mother and receive health, wisdom, and prosperity. The principle of the mother is primal power, coziness, care, and protection. A person who is in contact with this inner cosmic principle is without fear and has courage in all circumstances, even in the darkest times.

This meditation tunes into the frequency of the Divine Mother – the primal and generating energy. It eliminates fears and fulfills desires. It gives concentration and mental beaming, power of action by removing blocks of insecurity.

Join the community every month at RYK Yoga and Meditation Center to celebrate the New Moon and Full Moon with us! If you can`t make it to our yoga studio please join us via LIVE STREAM.

Visit our Yoga Events page to check our New Moon and Full Moon workshops.

Sat Nam!

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