Why Kundalini Yoga And Meditation?

By Corina Bautista, yoga teacher and reiki practitioner

In my years of Yoga practice, I would like to say, Kundalini Yoga is a real science and technology that will transform your life from the inside out. Kundalini is a technology including simple techniques that use your mind, senses, and body to create a communication between you and your mind, and between your mind and your body.

The benefits of Kundalini Yoga are real, tangible, and accessible. One of the benefits is being able to tap into that rising energy which is in you – your life’s force.

Practicing the regular meditation in Kundalini helps serve as a tool for when we need to make difficult decisions regarding our relationships, career, and more.

Other associated benefits include deeper feelings of peace, increased compassion and empathy, increased creativity, and a heightened spiritual connection. In general, as you begin to connect your mind to your body, you will find it easier to combat negative feelings and fall deeper into a place of bliss and understanding.

The combination of breath work, kriyas and meditation, in Kundalini Yoga is designed to raise complete mental and physical awareness so that you can handle the power of the rising Kundalini energy. The primary objective of Kundalini is “to awaken the full potential of human awareness in each individual; that is: recognize our awareness, refine that awareness, and expand that awareness into the unlimited Self.” Basically, you are on a physical and mental mission to clear away the mental clutter and dive right into the truest parts of yourself.

The dynamic blend of physical postures, breathing, movement, stretching, meditation, mantra and relaxation, provide the following physical benefits:

  • Activates the glandular system
  • Strengthens the nervous system
  • Expands the lung capacity
  • Purifies the bloodstream, improves digestion and Increases circulation
  • Increases energy level and lung capacity for better breathing
  • More strength, energy, fitness & vitality
  • Reduces stress and strengthens the immune and nervous system
  • Balances Emotions and brings clarity to the mind
  • Encourages sense of peace and greater clarity of thought
  • Greater awareness of one`s true Divine nature
  • More spontaneous flow of joy & happiness
  • Orients consciousness to create happiness and health
  • Supports and encourages personal transformation and growth

Kundalini Yoga and Meditation is doing more than keeping people flexible, in good health, and in a positive state of mind. This practice is being recommended and used as an alternative and/or supplement in treating a wide range of mental and physical afflictions. Because Kundalini Yoga and Meditation is rooted in the body-mind-spirit connection, it isn’t any wonder why it is having so much success in alleviated a wide range of conditions from: addiction and substance abuse, phobias and stress, mental disorders (OCD, PTSD, Generalized Anxiety), back and joint pain, muscle tension and stiffness, digestive problems, and the list goes on.

In addition, this practice is being used in the field of pain management and cancer recovery for its ability to control pain and speed up the natural healing process by reducing stress on the mind and body. The positive effects of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation simply aids in an overall sense of wellbeing. It also provides all the benefits of a physical fitness routine which includes muscle and cardiovascular health, joint health, increased metabolism, weight loss, healthy digestion, increased circulation, and much more.

It has been an extraordinary experience that has changed my life. And I invite you to embark on an exciting new journey of self-discovery!

To check our Yoga and Meditation classes click here.

“Within us lives the most calm, serene lake of wisdom, the most beautiful, powerful pond of kindness, compassion and clarity. Let us understand and let us dive into it within ourselves.”  Yogi Bhajan

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