Super Full Moon Meditation – Kirtan Kriya

We just finished a very powerful meditation as part of the workshop celebrating the Full Moon. This time the moon was the biggest, closest and brightest Supermoon in the last 68 years! The energy was amazing and we practiced Kirtan Kriya – one of the most powerful meditations in the Kundalini Yoga.

Based on medical research here are some of the benefits of this meditation: reduces stress, improves memory, enhances brain blood flow, improves brain chemistry and telomerase, less depression and improves sleep, clarity of purpose and spiritual well being.

From the Yogic point of view we can add few more benefits such as: overall brain balance, intuition, enhanced aura, clears karma, stimulates the pineal, pituitary gland and hypothalamus.

The reason we practice these powerful meditation during the New Moon and Full Moon is because the energy is greatly enhanced by the Moon and the group consciousness. When the community comes together to practice yoga and meditation the energy multiplies because of the powerful energy created by all beings, their psyche and their auras present in the same time and space.

Join us for the next New Moon Meditation Workshop every month, see class scheduleting HERE.


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