Unmatched Experiences.
Energize every moment to achieve your potential
Discover Peace
Achieve Balance
Restore Health
A Complete Path
Upcoming Events
Greet the solstice, meditate with the moon, and participate in festivals and other community-building events.
Personal Sessions
Take time for yourself with private sessions and consultations, including personalized Reiki and Gong Sessions.
Teacher Training
Yoga & Meditation Retreats
Immerse yourself in nature and spiritual practice in the US or Internationally.
Spiritual Retreat Center. Immerse in Self-discovery & Enlightenment at RYK Spiritual Retreat and Training Center, NC
About RYK Yoga
Community. Spirituality. Growth
RYK Yoga created a unique model by
Specializing in Kundalini Yoga tradition
Incorporating Ancient Meditation practices
Giving Back Community Spirit Program
Cosmin Mahadev Singh
Founder. Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Teacher. Reiki Healing Master.
Certified by the Kundalini Research Institute
Registered with the International Kundalini Yoga Teachers Association & Yoga Alliance
Internationally trained Traditional Reiki Master
A Yoga Experience as Intended By the Masters
Cosmin spent years training in Far Eastern practices to ensure that his knowledge was deeply rooted in authentic Yogic Practices. In founding RYK, Cosmin aims to make the ancient technology revealed by yogis over generations accessible to all who seek an integrated, scientific approach to improving their physical and spiritual selves. His universal teachings transcend cultural and demographic boundaries to be understood and appreciated by everyone.