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Full Moon Meditation “Kirtan Kriya” See the Unseen & Know the Unknown

02 November 2017 7:00 pm

Thursday November 2nd is Full Moon and you have the opportunity to experience “Kirtan Kriya”, often referred to as “SA TA NA MA” meditation, one of the most important meditations in Kundalini Yoga. “Kirtan Kriya” helps you master your tattvas, the five qualities that make up the physical world: earth, water, fire, air and ether. Each person has a unique constitution with a predominant tattva: maybe you`re fiery, quick to react or, maybe you`re etheric – not quite “of this world”. Each tattva reflects its own qualities in our behaviors, habits and constitution so establishing harmony is a must.

Practicing this meditation is both a science and an art. We will use Mantra, Mudra, Voice of Consciousness and Visualization to balance your Chakras and your Aura. The power of the mantra comes from the fact that it rearranges the subconscious mind at the most elementary level. It has the power to break habits and addictions because it accesses the level of the mind where habits are created.

This was one of the first meditations taught by Yogi Bhajan and remains today as a foundation tool, being recommended even by Doctors! Medical studies found that “Kirtan Kriya”, performed 12 minutes a day for eight weeks, increased brain activity in areas central to memory and improved cognition and wellbeing in patients with memory loss and help prevent Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.

If you are willing to change and welcome a new dimension of being into your life, this meditation is for YOU!

Immerse yourself in the healing sounds of the LIVE Gong right after the meditation!

Room size can only fit 68, please RSVP now to ensure your spot.

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