Getting Started with Kundalini Yoga

No previous experience necessary!

All you need to start a meaningful yoga practice is a healthy curiosity and an open heart. Remember, action creates motivation and not the other way around.
We welcome new students and are excited to have you.

For Your First Class​

You can walk in or pre-register by viewing our regularly scheduled classes. Choose a class that meets your scheduling needs. In addition to Kundalini Yoga & Meditation classes, RYK offers other experiences to improve your overall physical, mental and spiritual condition.

Aim to arrive 10-15 minutes early so you can sign in, get acquainted with your surroundings, and perhaps even meet your teacher before class.

Tips & Recommendations

During your first class, go at your own pace and follow along with the other students. Your teacher will be there to assist you and answer any questions you may have.

You will also receive plenty of support and encouragement from your fellow yogis. Be assured that you are in good hands.

Yoga Equipment & Attire

There is no mandatory attire, equipment, or items to be purchased when you begin attending class or continue with your practice. During class, we provide yoga mats and pillows, and for your convenience, we offer an array of yoga and meditation products in our store to support or enhance your yoga practice.

What to Expect During Class

Although each Kundalini Yoga class you attend is uniquely designed to provide specific teaching and message, as well as physical exercises, breathing techniques, and meditations, all classes and workshops incorporate the fundamental Kundalini outline.
Yoga equipment and attire

Tuning In

This practice consciously prepares you for a meditative state while releasing all the cares and concerns weighing on you. You dedicate this time to yourself and enter into the power of the present moment.


During class, we learn that breath is life energy itself. We learn how to breathe consciously and correctly. We can calm our minds and master all aspects of our lives.


An exact dynamic combination of yoga positions, movements, breathing, and sound. It is a complete system that balances mind, body, and soul while increasing mental clarity and physical vitality.


Using the ancient Gong or soothing yet powerful mantras allows you to move beyond the boundaries of the mind: experience the infinite within the finite by letting go and discovering true relaxation.


Brings awareness and control of our thoughts. Using mantra (sacred sound currents) and mudra (hand positions), we can clear negative patterns and connect with our higher consciousness.


We close our practice with a beautiful song of “May the long time sun shine upon you!”

Kundalini Items

Why White Clothing?

It’s simple: the color white expands a person’s aura, or the electromagnetic field that surrounds every one of us. When our aura is big – we can expand it up to nine feet – we feel strong, balanced, grounded and radiant, and can more easily handle the challenges of our lives with neutrality, peace and calm. When our aura is small, we feel depressed, weak, off- center and ineffective.

This is the explanation that Yogi Bhajan gave as an answer to a question about the wearing of white natural fiber clothing taken from “The Beads of Truth”, Spring 1981:

“We wear white because it’s a simple scientific fact that every piece of matter or material has a foot and a half aura. Every animal has a three and a half foot aura. Every human has a nine foot aura. And if we wear the cotton and we wear the white, this color therapy gives us one extra foot of aura. So, I trust my students will behave right, but in case they behave like animals, they will still have a margin, an edge. And that is what it’s all about. You have to wear a natural fiber and you have to wear white. It’s a pure color therapy and it’s called auric color therapy”

If you haven’t tried wearing white, you should try it. It makes you feel good.

Note: It is not mandatory to wear white in order to attend Kundalini Yoga & Meditation classes’


Why Head Covering?

During a class of Kundalini yoga, chances are the teacher and many of the students will have their heads covered with a scarf, hat, or turban.

Wearing a head covering enables you to command your sixth center, the Ajna Chakra, to stimulate the 3rd Eye and increase intuition; it helps to stabilize the skull, the cerebral matter and the 26 parts of the brain, which are interlocked with the neurological system and electromagnetic field. It creates a focus of the functional circuit of the hemispheres of the brain, and tunes the neurological system.

The skull is made up of tiny bones that are constantly moving even if only by micromillimeters and the degree to which they move impacts levels of calmness or anxiety. Covering the head provides a sense of containment and focus while practicing yoga or while doing work that requires clarity of thought.

Head coverings of any kind (preferably with a white, natural cloth) are useful for a meditative practice. Turbans in particular are useful for holding energy in, and for creating a meditative focus at the third eye point (brow point). In addition, the turban provides a nice cranial adjustment; it literally helps “keep your head together.”

When the crown of the head (the Seventh Chakra) is covered it can help to stimulate wisdom, inner knowing and a more conscious approach to daily life.

Note: It is not mandatory to cover your head in order to attend Kundalini Yoga & Meditation classes.


Why Ayurvedic Products?

Welcome to our Dharma Shoppe, your resource for Ayurveda and premium quality Ayurvedic products in Las Vegas. Our products are made from certified organic herbs sustainably sourced and fairly traded.

Ayurveda, ancient yet timeless, gives you the means of attaining and maintaining your own optimal health and wellbeing. The benefits of Ayurvedic medicine have been proven over centuries of use, and its methodologies are as applicable today in the West as they were thousands of years ago in India.

Ayurveda’s fundamental approach to well-being is that you must reach your unique state of balance in your whole being—body, mind, and spirit. One must understand the unique nature of each person and situation, taking into account the individual, the season, the geography, and so on.

Each person has an Ayurvedic constitution that is specific to him or her, and movement away from that constitution creates health imbalances; if such imbalances are not addressed, Ayurveda says that illness may develop.

We are proud to offer Banyan Botanical products, a U.S. company providing the largest selection of certified organic Ayurvedic herbs and investing in projects that will continue to expand the range of USDA organic herbs and products available in the future.

We are supporting sustainable, ecologically-friendly methods of farming, harvesting and wildcraft collection of herbs. We are providing fairly-traded herbs with a commitment to the welfare of the farmers and supplying non-irradiated herbs that are tested for proper identification, microbiologicals and heavy metals to ensure safety and efficacy.


Why Sheepskin?

Through the ages, yogis have used animal skins to sit on during yoga and meditation:

“On the high slopes of the Himalayan Mount Kailasa, Shiva, the great yogi, sits on a tiger skin, deep in meditation in mystical stillness, and through his meditation the world is kept in position.”

It is traditional for many Kundalini Yoga practitioners to use sheepskins on which to do their yoga. This is personal preference. Yogi Bhajan recommended the sheepskin for meditation, as it created an insulation between the yogi and the magnetic pull of the Earth. Indeed, many people experience deeper states of connection to their Self and the Universe when using a sheep skin as compared to a sticky mat or cushion (synthetic yoga mats are taking up to 1/3 of the aura away from a person).

He said it was traditional for a yogi to use the skin of an animal which had recently died because it is also said to be a blessing for the animal, it helps to liberate their soul.

The sheepskin is great for yoga, it is soft & cushy and great for the ankles when meditating. It has non-allergenic properties. Don`t use it as a rug, but rather as a sacred space, a great addition to your altar or meditation room!

Note: It is not mandatory to have a sheepskin in order to attend Kundalini Yoga & Meditation classes.


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