Why You Should Add Turmeric To Your Daily Routine

You’ve probably already heard of turmeric, but you may not know what it is, exactly, or what it’s good for.

Turmeric is a savory spice derived from a root which can be traced back to India in its origins. It is an important component of Ayurvedic medicine and lifestyle practices. It is most often used in foods, but consumed or applied topically, it can also have benefits. A few years back, golden milk, a turmeric-based recipe, was all the rage, touting many health benefits.

So why should you add turmeric to your daily routine to aid in your yogic diet and lifestyle?

Turmeric, or more specifically its active compound curcumin, has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects on the body, especially when combined with black pepper to increase its absorption rate. It can help with minor inflammation in the body, such as inflamed joints, acne, sore throats and more. If you struggle with any kind of inflammation, incorporating turmeric into your daily routine might help reduce these conditions. It has also been shown in studies to help reduce the symptoms of depression, Alzheimer’s, and cancer, as well as possibly reduce the chances of heart disease.

Turmeric can be mixed into a variety of carriers in order to be taken orally. Some of these include milk, honey, tea, oil, or water. Mixing a tablespoon of turmeric with any of these carriers and taking it orally is an easy way to start your day with turmeric. The golden milk latte has become a popular way to take turmeric in recent years, which is a teaspoon or two of turmeric mixed with steamed dairy or plant milk. Sometimes cinnamon is added for flavor.

You can also simply incorporate turmeric into your diet in the powdered form, or by grating the fresh root. Powdered turmeric is widely available at most grocery stores, and the fresh root is harder to find and doesn’t keep as well. Add it to eggs, soups, or roasted veggies for amazing color and health benefits. The flavor of turmeric is very mellow, so when mixed with other flavors, it becomes almost undetectable.

Turmeric can also be applied topically to acne if mixed with water or yogurt into a thick paste. It can also be mixed with a conditioner or oil and applied to the scalp if you suffer from dry, itchy, or flaky scalp and washed out after about 30 minutes. This works best on darker hair and should not be kept on much longer, since turmeric can stain light hair and skin orange for a few days.

Finally, turmeric can be taken in capsules as a supplement. They can be bought at many health food stores and taken alongside any vitamins or pills that you may take in the morning. We carry organic turmeric in both powdered and tablet forms as well as pre-mixed turmeric drinks at our shop at 2280 S Jones Blvd, in Las Vegas, NV.

Enjoy the many benefits of turmeric, the simple spice with tons to offer!

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