How to Transform Your Life in 6 Months

You can change your life through the Kundalini Teacher Training at RYK

The upcoming 2019 Kundalini Teacher Training program at RYK offers an incredible opportunity to do so much more than just prepare Yoga teachers to teach Yoga. This amazing 9-weekend program begins from the premise that before we can teach, we need to first work on ourselves. In the video above, Cosmin shares how the Kundalini Teacher Training program at RYK prepares you to become the very best you can be, and unlocks the hidden potential within all of us.

A Special Personal Offer from Cosmin

I know that your time is precious, and I want honor your commitment to be here right now by offering you a very special gift—a $200 value—absolutely free when you sign-up for the 2019 Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training program using the form below.

Just leave me your name, email, phone number, and the best times to reach you, and I will contact you to work out the details.


All it Takes is 9 Weekends

Setting a Good Foundation

There is this beautiful thing about the Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training we offer at RYK: Even though the name very clearly states, Teacher Training—meaning that at the end of the program you’ll be able to teach—even if that means teaching your family, or your friends or coworkers—or if it means you start teaching at RYK or some other place—you will be able to teach pretty much anywhere in the world. But what if you just want to focus on yourself? Then this is a very good place to start. Because we can’t actually be good teachers if we haven’t done the work ourselves. Simply put, if we aren’t good students, we won’t be able to be good teachers.

Think about it, if we don’t actually have something ourselves, then how can we offer it to others? So Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training sets that foundation. It takes you from wherever you are right now—maybe it’s your first step, or your second step—wherever you are in your life, or in your spiritual life, and it just takes you all the way to actually giving you a voice; and the strength and the confidence to be a teacher—if that’s what you want to do.

The Best Gift You Can Give

We always think about giving gifts. We go to the mall and maybe buy a beautiful t-shirt, some perfume—or maybe just a gift card when we don’t know the size or what to buy someone. But when are we actually going to buy something that really means something? Something that brings value through an experience. Something that will bring value to you through changing your life.

A t-shirt may be beautiful, but to change somebody from being depressed to being happy; or to clear the subconscious mind and to change those habits that have been holding you down for years? Or to go back into your childhood, removing those pains and whatever struggles you went through, so you can have a healthy present? What makes a better gift than that? And what makes a better gift than to make the kind of investment—whatever you want to call it—for you? To give yourself a chance to tap into this life-changing potential. And then, what makes a better gift when you have it, than to share it with others?

So you get two things: First, you get something for yourself; and then, once you—once your self changes—then that’s just going to radiate. That’s just going to be shared automatically with everybody at home,in your community, or wherever you want to take it. It’s a very beautiful opening to see when a person starts the Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training program. It’s amazing to see them after six months. It literally changes their life completely.

How it Works

Our Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training program is approved by the Yoga Alliance, so actually with the certification you get when you complete the program you can teach anywhere in the world. The idea, though, is that what you get from the program—from being here all these weekends together as a community—is how it will help you as a human being.

We’re going to start the program on the 5th of January—under the very auspicious time of the new moon—and then we’re going to take nine weekends, Saturdays and Sundays, continuing through to the end of June. So we will spend one weekend, to at most two weekends per month together. That’s, six months—nine weekends—coming together through learning, experiencing, and just changing and growing as human beings—together with this beautiful science of Kundalini Yoga.

You Deserve It

Six months—nine weekends—to change your life. Think about it: You need this, and you deserve this. Do you want to be happy? Do you want to be sane? Then you need to do something for yourself. This is a beautiful gift—and it’s the most wonderful thing that you can do for yourself.

Are you ready for a change?

Making a change in our lives—no matter how beneficial—is never easy. But if you leave me your name, email, phone number, and the best times to reach you; I will personally contact you to discuss how we can work together to transform your life through the 2019 Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training. And should you choose to join us on this journey, I’ll give you a very special gift—a $200 value—absolutely free for signing-up for the 2019 Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training program.


About the 2019 Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training program

A 220hr Teacher Training Program Certified by the worldwide Yoga Alliance for Registered Yoga Schools (RYS)

Our teacher training program has the knowledge and the expertise to provide you with all of the information, instruction, and direction you need to build a peaceful and creative life through yoga. With our specialized training program, you will learn how to master all of the facets of this powerful ancient technology to truly earn the title of a Kundalini Yoga Teacher. By learning, experiencing, and practicing the ancient science of Kundalini Yoga, you will be qualified to use this powerful platform to teach others with confidence and poise.

Gain a profound understanding of the beautiful discipline of Kundalini Yoga, take your practice further, develop confidence, connect with the community, and find your voice as a teacher. Work on yourself so you can uplift the others!


January 5 & 6, January 26 & 27, February 23 & 24, March 16 & 17, April 6 & 7, April 27 & 28, May 18 & 19, June 8 & 9, June 29 & 30.


Saturdays 8am-8pm & Sundays 8am-6pm


Early bird registration (by November 30th, 2018): $2800*
Regular price (after December 1st, 2018): $3100*
*a $500 deposit today secures your space

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