Time to Tame your subconscious mind

After a long day of work, you’re thinking to yourself….. is this all there is? This 9-5 grind each and every day. You find yourself constantly rushing to get out of the office in time to get home and work out! Sounds good, doesn’t it?

The alarm goes off at 5am, it’s time to jump into those workout clothes and hit the gym before work. But wait… what? You didn’t go. Instead you hi the snooze button thinking, “Just 5 more minutes and then I’ll go.”

Sounds Familiar doesn’t it? Just so you know, it’s not your fault!

You have just discovered your subconscious mind

If your beliefs are not aligned with your desire to get in shape. You will have to use all your will-power to make this happen. It’s exhausting, I know. Will power is a part of the conscious level of your mind. Which is less than 5% of your mind power. Will-power is great, but you have to remember to use it. Which requires a lot of effort.

It may seem very difficult to get yourself to make changes, to move forward toward your desires and dreams, because you’re programmed that way. Your subconscious mind is all about creating habits. So you don’t have to think about it. Recall learning to drive? At first it was daunting and scary. There was a lot to remember all at one time. Then one day, you hopped in the car and drove. Often times not even remembering how you got to where you were going. Driving, like riding a bike, just became a habit and is now in your muscle memory. Your subconscious mind to over 95% of who you are. Are you starting to get the picture?

You never know when you may have to fend off a Grizzly Bear

Your subconscious mind does not like change, because it means expending brain power. You only have so much brain power to use each day. The part of you in charge of protecting you from danger and keeping you healthy, sage and alive, will do whatever it takes to conserve that brain energy.

Millions of years of evolution is at play, keeping you stuck!

So, what can you do? Hypnosis! When you’re relaxed, your mind opens up and you can access your subconscious mind. When your subconscious mind understands that being lazy and overweight is potentially deadly for you. It can make change, like (finger snap) that!

Suddenly, you’re excited to get out of bed and get that 30-minute workout in. You feel great and have even more energy to face the day and the Grizzly Bear that might show up!

The key to everything you desire is the gateway to your subconscious mind

-Hypnosis is that gateway!

IN the relaxed state of hypnosis, you can make changes that will benefit you and forward to accomplishing your dreams.

Want to learn more? Give us a call and let’s talk. We are here to help.

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