Spiritual Life Guidance

Untouched Traditions.

For over a decade, tapping the collective wisdom of centuries of yogic practice, Cosmin Mahadev Singh has guided individuals looking for clarity in confusing times. He understands the deeper nature of life’s challenges and advises sensitive solutions to difficulties. Mahadev’s spiritual guidance will help you achieve what you want out of life through individualized, private sessions focusing on your needs and personal growth.

The guidance is tailored to achieve specific outcomes based on your birthday, particular needs, and Mahadev’s intuition & experience.

Private Meditation Sessions

At the end of the session, you will receive a “continue at home” package that is based on your consultation, including:

Align your mind,
body & soul

your life

Open the doors
of prosperity

Also Included: Tantric Numerology Reading

This practical chart will deepen your understanding of yourself and others around you and help you understand your future path and destiny.

Private guidance content depends on individual needs and/or requests.

This individualized guidance can either be done independently or in conjunction with your ongoing practice, raising your practice to the next level.

Contact Mahadev for life guidance and spiritual and professional empowerment in person or online via video.

Package Options

In-Studio & Online Sessions​

All sessions are 60 minutes and conducted in the privacy of the RYK Center or online one-on-one

Personal Consultation


Personal Consultation
+ Individualized Package

+ Customized Program
+ Session

*Save $100

Personal Consultation
+ Individualized Package
+ Private Session

Online Consultation

Personal Consultation


Personal Consultation
+ Individualized Package

+ Customized Program
+ Session

*Save $80

Personal Consultation
+ Individualized Package
+ Private Session

Connect with Mahadev

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Walking into these sessions feels like coming home

Looking back at my journey so far, I can wholeheartedly say that my mental, emotional, and spiritual health has exponentially grown since taking advantage of the private sessions offered at RYK.

Prior to sessions with Mahadev, I found that traditional talk therapy left me stuck in the victim mindset. For years, I left those unfulfilling appointments feeling drained, burdened by medical labels, defeat and stagnancy. It was then that the Universe/God guided me to Mahadev’s pure heart.

Mahadev’s holistic (mind, body, spirit) approach in tandem with practical, individually tailored, solutions was the missing link my soul had been searching for. Together, Mahadev and I have been peeling back all the layers of illusion, slowly revitalizing my true essence… Sat Nam!

Walking into these sessions feels like coming home. With an open heart and curious mind, you can experience the benefits of Reiki, Yoga Nidra, mantra, yoga, and more; These ancient practices graciously practiced by Mahadev will truly propel you to new, authentic versions of yourself!

— Brisa M.

Something in particular that I appreciate about Mahadev is his purity of the teachings he shares

I have been so blessed to have met Mahadev. I have worked with some pretty neat coaches (like Tony Robbins) and some great therapists as well. Mahadev has and is still one of the most helpful spiritual coaches I could have asked to meet. At the same time, he never pretends to be anything other than who he is and only speaks from a place of direct personal experience. There is no preaching, only a step by step process that you can take to get a defined result.

Something in particular that I appreciate about Mahadev is his purity of the teachings he shares, as well as his clear vision and trajectory of what you are capable of. I remember times when I set up a time to meet with Mahadev for one reason, but upon meeting, was assisted in realizing a far greater and bigger picture of my existence on this planet. More importantly, a practical way that I can live out this truth in real time and in the concrete and practical world. Yes, there were times that he was there for me to just listen and be of support. Most importantly for me though, I have transformed beyond my self-expectations (which are already pretty high) to the point that I have to get creative of the reality that I want to live in because I already have everything I ever imagined I would get in this life. The number one being my intimate connection to this body and mind that I love and live in and the pure bliss that comes with this awareness. I know a major part of why I moved to this town is just to meet him. I am forever grateful!

If you are wondering as to whether he can help you, don’t cheat yourself and don’t question yourself. He won’t show it or say it: but he is gifted and just wants to help. Give yourself this gift!

— Yoni B.

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