Past Life Regression Therapy (PLRT)

What to Expect – First Time Clients

Your First Past Life Regression Therapy (PLRT) Session

In traditional therapy, you talk and your therapist responds with questions, reflections, and perhaps comments to enable you to gain insight.  You and our therapist will do an intake as any therapist would and look at different areas of your life and health. Then you and our therapist will hone in on a specific issue that’s in your best interest to work on at the time. It is ideal if you have identified an issue(s) you’d like to work on, but it is also ok to come in without one. Relevant issues will emerge as the session goes on.

Your Role

You just allow the experience, be open to information however it comes, and report whatever comes up! Information from your past lives may occur as “snapshots”, sensations, emotions or full-blown movies. Your job is pretty simple.

You just lie back and act as a news reporter – reporting what is happening as you let yourself go – into your own special journey of self-discovery, infinite growth and eternal healing.

Priming Your Six Senses (yes, six)

There is a simple preliminary activity that engages your senses – sight, sound, touch, taste, smell and natural knowing or intuition.

This primes your imagination and enables me to assess which of your senses are strongest and how you best access information.

This is followed by another brief exercise which will allow you to experience how past life information may come to you during the actual regression. Next, you’ll move onto the past life regression itself.

While regression therapy can bring up intense emotions, the regression process itself is very gentle and simple.

You’ll Relax

You will be guided through a relaxation process and will be invited to open your mind. You don’t have to “do” anything, the thoughts/visions or feelings will come to you. This part of the process can be fun and enjoyable as we tap into your senses and your imagination. Your imagination is a bridge to your subconscious…where all your memories…the memories of your true ‘self’—or soul—are stored. 

After the Regression

After the past life regression and life review are complete, there is ample time to discuss and share any emotions, observation or concerns. Together with your therapist you will explore how the regression may have been helpful with regard to your original intentions.

Awareness Continues After the Regression

Over the next few weeks, more information may “show up” for you. You might gain more insight through your dreams, while driving in the car, while meditating, while sitting quietly, or it may just pop in your head as you go about your life. This is normal.

Along with these flashes of insight, may come a deeper understanding of your life, your relationships, your challenges and your purpose. Because of this, follow up sessions are always helpful and occasionally necessary.

Call (702) 670-0688 for additional information or to schedule your regression.

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