Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training – More Than A Training Program

Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training – More Than A Training Program

RYK’s Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Program is a wonderful way to learn the skill set you’ll need to bring the beautiful science of Kundalini yoga to the world, but it can be so much more than that!

The Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Program is 220 hours of specially designed coursework and experience that allows you to delve deep into yourself and strengthen your life spiritually, emotionally, physically, and mentally.

Many students of the Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Program say that through the experience of the program, they experienced deep and profound changes in themselves and their lives, leading to a more peaceful and purposeful way of living for them.

Alison, a previous graduate of the program, had this to say about the experience: “The yoga, meditation and pranayama practices keep me feeling calm and grounded.  I practice my daily sadhana -which has taught me how to love and take care of myself inside and out.  I feel healthier than ever, physically, emotionally and spiritually.”

Throughout the program, you will find that the bonds you create with your fellow students are deep and will last a lifetime. The shared experience of deep learning, personal development, and emotional openness facilitates a beautiful, safe space where you’ll find yourself making fulfilling friendships.

“The teachers, my fellow trainees, and the teachings I learned each month inspired me over and over again and continue to do so every time I walk through the doors of RYK.” says Sarah, who completed her teacher training in a past year.

You will also learn Sadhana during the teacher training program. Sadhana is a daily spiritual practice which will keep you grounded and in-touch with your spiritual growth and healing. Sadhana traditionally includes kriyas and asanas, pranayama, relaxation, and meditation techniques practiced in a certain sequence, for anywhere between 1 hour to 2 and a half hours and usually before dawn. This helps you become self-aware and disciplined in your practice, which will continue on in your daily life.

“I am not naturally an early riser. However, there is something mysteriously appealing about waking up during ambrosial hours. Particularly, looking forward to practicing with like-minded individuals who also chose to make the effort, get out of bed, drive, and mosey in to meditate; there beholds a certain type of etheric energy. While most are still asleep, we come together to relish in our devotional prayer, blessed by the nectar of God.” Says student Sat Amrit Kaur about their experience with Sadhana.

In addition to Sadhana practices, during Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training, you will also learn other techniques that will fulfil you emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and physically, such as:

  • Kundalini Yoga – The Yoga of Awareness
  • Meditation
  • Ayurveda – The Science of Life
  • Anatomy & Physiology
  • Yogic Anatomy
  • Mantras
  • Yogic Lifestyle
  • And more!

If you’ve been looking to deepen your connection with yourself, others, and the universe, then look no further than RYK’s Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Program! Despite its name, it’s not just for aspiring Kundalini Yoga teachers, it’s for any student who feels called to deepen their knowledge of Kundalini Yoga, spirituality, and themselves!

For more information about the Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Program, click here (link). Be sure to sign up before November 31st 2020 to receive $300 off your enrollment fee!

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