Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training – a Personal Experience

On the 1st of January 2021, I had no idea what Kundalini Yoga meant. Two weeks later, I signed up for the beautiful Teacher Training offered by RYK, which completely changed my life. So, let me share my story with you.

I am born in Romania, a country where Kundalini Yoga is not popular at all. Yoga is seen as a fitness alternative and not as a spiritual practice. So, when I first heard about Kundalini Yoga, I was just curious to understand the meaning of it. Well, my curiosity didn’t open just a door for knowledge. It actually took me to a path of my own spiritual growth.

You see, the Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training doesn’t require any sort of experience. And this is what I first loved about this program. Everybody is welcome. Beginners or more experienced people. If you are looking for a yoga certification, this is the perfect place to get it. It is a 220hr Teacher Training Certified by the worldwide Yoga Alliance for Registered Yoga Schools. But the Teacher Training is not focused only on people who want to become teachers but to everyone who want to know more about spirituality or even about themselves.

Mahadev is a wonderful teacher! He has the patience to explain, so I never felt embarrassed for my lack of knowledge about Kundalini Yoga. With grace, respect and love he introduced us to the magic, beautiful teachings of Kundalini Yoga.

There is one more amazing thing I have discovered during the teacher training. When I first started the classes, I was a little reserved about the results I can achieve during an online yoga Teacher Training. I strongly believe in a real approach not a virtual one. The lesson I learned is when a teacher knows how to connect a group of people, there are no boundaries. It is not relevant anymore if we are in different countries or different time zones. It is not relevant anymore if we can hug each other or not. Thanks to Mahadev, we became a beautiful community. We laughed and cried, we shared life stories, goals and dreams. So, online yoga Teacher Training? Definitely yes!

It is hard for me to decide what is the Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training about. It is about spirituality as it is about people. It is about what we are as a community but also about what we are as individuals. It is about universal energy as it is about the universe inside yourself. No matter what you focus on, it is a win-win situation. If you decide to join this training for your own spiritual growth, everyone around you will also benefit. During this program you can heal, you can learn to love yourself, and all this beautiful energy will finally project around you. If you decide to teach others, what else can be more beautiful than sharing the light and love you have inside yourself?

I want to be honest with you. It is not an easy way. The teacher training program requires dedication and discipline. It will change the way you eat, the way you think, the way you connect with people around you. It will change your life in so many beautiful ways. I completed the program five months ago but somehow it became a part of my life. I still have things to deal with, to learn from, or to heal. And I accept it as a part of my own growth. Thanks to Mahadev and his teachings, I have learned how to bring myself to the light. I have learned how to make the best out of this life for myself and those around me!

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