40 Day Yoga & Meditation Challenges

Stay grounded, steady, centered and on your path!
Returning Soon!

Watch this space for the next challenge!

Accelerate Your Spiritual Journey

Use the power of routine to break negative habits which block you from the expansion of your true self.
It Only Takes
40 Days
To Change a Habit

RYK offers regular 40 Day Yoga & Meditation Challenges to supercharge your growth. Practicing yoga and meditation every day is proven to clean the subconscious mind and remove harmful habits. In turn, these are replaced with positive thought patterns that serve and uplift you and habits that help you grow as a healthy and happy human being.

No Experience

Open to

for Completion

Get Started

To meet the challenge you must complete 40 classes in 40 straight days. Choose from the many RYK Yoga & Meditation classes and events. Then sign up and track your progress on the RYK challenge board.

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