Noble, Sacred & Invincible
Kundalini Yoga & Meditation workshop with Cosmin
As a woman, you are the key to the graceful transition into the Aquarian Age, where creativity, community, transparency, and reliance upon Infinity are honored and celebrated. Practice the disciplines of the Graceful Woman, experience you’re your own Infinity, dwell within your True Identity. Transform yourself & change the world!
“The fundamental principle for every woman to remember, in the very depth of her heart, is that she is a woman and she is creative. In her creativity flows the will of God.” – Yogi Bhajan
This special workshop will help deliver yourself to your Infinity, sensitivity and radiance; encourage you recognize your innate power to heal yourself and those around; teach you about your relationships & life cycles; give you the key to physical and emotional well-being so you uncover the beauty within you!
These wonderful teachings have been known & used in the science of yoga for thousands of years and are now available to you. Invoke and reestablish the essential nature of the Divine Feminine, the Adi Shakti, your primal power.
A special relaxation with the vibrational power of the LIVE Gong will complete the experience.
Room size can only fit 68, please RSVP now to ensure your spot.
This workshop is for all women of every culture, levels of life, age and spiritual beliefs!