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How can the relationship with your hair help develop your awareness and spiritual practice? In this PlayShop we will explore our HAIR as a technology by integrating natural, practical and radiant hair care routines that you can take home and implement into your daily-self-love practice. There will be time after for any Q and A. I look forward to sharing with you my years of experience as a professional and how my yoga practice playfully intervenes.

Tuning In to the Sacredness of Hair

19 August 2017 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

How can the relationship with your hair help develop your awareness and spiritual practice? In this PlayShop we will explore our HAIR as a technology by integrating natural, practical and radiant hair care routines that you can take home and implement into your daily-self-love practice. There will be time after for any Q and A. I look forward to sharing with you my years of experience as a professional and how my yoga practice playfully intervenes.

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