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Rise Above Your Childhood Meditation & Healing - Spiritual Workshop Vegas

Rise Above Your Childhood Meditation & Healing

08 April 2018 11:00 am

Are you looking to elevate your Spiritual vibration? Do you feel the gladness well up within you, as you image yourself being more aware of your true path? Spirituality and love are the your path to PEACE! Which is why I offer you this Peace-Filled Group Healing. You will relax in meditation with other heart-centered seeker of light, while I call on your spirit guides and angels to:

1) Release old mental tapes that bar your clarity
2) Pull out trapped emotions, which keep you anchored to the past… even past lives.
3) Elevate your light to dispel limiting beliefs
4 ) Fill the spaces with Divine White Light! I combine the science of numerous energy healing methods, with the guidance of your individual spiritual signature for your best outcome of health and JOY! This is a special treat for you & your friends, because In April this Peace-Filled Group Healing is my gift to each of you!


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