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Full Moon Meditation to Heal a Broken Heart

Full Moon Meditation to Heal a Broken Heart

28 January 2021 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Each one of us has had our hearts broken through betrayal, hurt and disappointment. It is just part of the human experience.  A broken heart is a real thing, don’t try to ignore it or repress it, it will just get worse and hurt even more.

Thursday, January 28th we`ll meditate for healing a broken heart, releasing grief and any other stuck or suppressed emotions. If you feel your heart is closed and there is no flow of love, if you want to open, relax and renew your heart, come do this meditation.

Opening of your heart center cavity is opening up to your own Infinity. This center is sometimes referred to as the Agan Granthi—the place from which all fire-related activities spring—food, digestion, breath, to name a few. When this center is locked, your ribcage is out of placement, shoulders are caved in, you experience upper back pain, pain behind your heart chakra or you are unable to receive love from others. Heal your Heart so you can receive love without fear, anger or resentment.

The truth is each day, each moment, each breath is an opportunity to dance in the arms of the Devine, to know Infinite Love. How do we prepare ourselves to meet this possibility and make it a reality? Heal the wounds of love and become one with Infinite Love!

All spiritual practice’ effect multiplies a thousand fold under the full moon.

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