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Full Moon Meditation for a Renewed Self Concept in Las Vegas @ RYK Yoga

Full Moon Meditation for a Renewed Self Concept

29 May 2018 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Whatever a child experiences and learns in the first eleven years becomes the foundation of the remaining of his life. The rest are just mere details that we pick up along the way. If it`s the birth trauma or being abused as a child these need to be released and healed in order to have a healthy and happy adulthood.

Ending an unhealthy relationship or a destructive habit, moving from a dead-end job or a harmful addiction are all forms of change and painful memories that we have to face ourselves in order to move forward. This meditation helps release painful memories of your childhood from day 1 to 11th year and allows you to shift towards a new and auspicious direction.

You will consciously dump the pain, mental garbage, negative memories, discomfort and disease of the past in order to heal the body, purify the mind and experience a wonderful sense of rebirth filled with peace and joy.

“The idea of Rebirthing is to release the subconscious, the storehouse of misery” – Yogi Bhajan

The time of the full moon is a period when spiritual energies are uniquely available and facilitate a closer rapport between humanity and the Divinity. Your energy will be at his highest – use it to go inward, transcend the mind, and feel the Divinity within.

All spiritual practice` effect multiplies a thousand fold under the full moon.

Immerse yourself in the healing sounds of the LIVE Gong right after the meditation!

Room size can only fit 68, please RSVP now to ensure your spot.

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