A “blue moon” is a rare and magical time when the Full Moon appears twice in a month. This happens infrequently and it is considered auspicious and a blessing to enjoy this opportunity. The next phenomena doesn’t occur again until 2026.
The Full Moon on August 29th brings in a very complex energy that can be channeled towards spiritual growth, love and peace. As human beings we need an open heart and a keen intuition in order to navigate through these special times.
Dhrib Dhristi Lochina Karma Kriya is “the action of acquiring insight into the future.” This powerful yet simple meditation was first taught by Yogi Bhajan on the eve of a full moon. When practiced at this time, the effects are great as the subconscious mind is fully open to the vibratory action of the meditation. The pituitary gland is stimulated to secrete, which in turn opens and develops your intuition.
Honest practice of this kriya is said to impart many benefits: the power to heal with the eyes & with your hands, the ability to project your personality or your bodily sensations anytime, anywhere, and feel what`s going on. According to tradition, your words will have the power to penetrate deeply; you will learn to talk inspiringly and your words will always represent the truth of a given situation; you will always know the consequence of any sequence of actions that you start.
Immerse yourself in the healing sounds of the LIVE Gong right after the meditation!
Room size can only fit 39, please RSVP now to ensure your spot.