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E M B O D I E D – a Kundalini Yoga and Creative Arts Immersion with Sat Amrit Kaur

29 December 2019 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm

In both Kundalini Yoga and creative arts we call upon intuition. This inner knowing is our compass. We get out of our heads, drop into the body, and start to notice the sensations. Our self awareness is deepened, we become curious. This kind of exploration invites a child-like spirit, attuning to the purity and innocence that is always with us, yet sometimes forgotten. It’s a coming home; a zero point. In that time and space we return to our true creative essence recognizing that we are both finite and Infinite. And by remembering our innate truth we fully embody the fullest expression of who we are – living our most authentic and joyful life.

E M B O D I E D is an opportunity to discover the parts of you that have yet to be expressed. The you that is asking to be seen and heard. Here all of you is welcomed, vulnerability is celebrated and radical creativity encouraged.

During this immersion experience we’ll practice Kundalini Yoga kriyas and meditations, alongside art, journaling and dance.

Art supplies provided.

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