$49 New student offer will be extended to 40 days for those who sign up (between 1/4 and 1/10)
Stop Hustling and Let the Universe Work For You!
To help we are going to start a 40 Day Yoga and Meditation Challenge for Prosperity. Prosperity is a way of living, a form of consciousness. When we relate to our environments from a paradigm of success, then we naturally attract opportunities that serve our highest good.
Join us on January 7th as we begin 40 days of meditating our way to prosperity!
To participate:
- You can attend any Kundalini Yoga or LIVE Gong Meditation class on the schedule to complete the meditation
- You must complete 40 classes in 40 consecutive days
- Sign up and see your progress on the challenge board at RYK
- Prizes! Will be given to all completing the program!
- No experience necessary